Is it just me or does this metro area have way too many damn red turn arrows??? I understand their purpose at an overly busy or blind intersection, I do prefer to live through my daily driving experience, but REALLY!
I spend more time idling at Red Left Turn Arrows with ZERO oncoming traffic than I care to think about! I mean, I love the GREEN arrow, it's a wonderful thing, but that does not require also having a RED arrow. I'm supposedly from a hick town (aka Lincoln, NE), but they seem to get that people are able to safely turn without the need for the red arrow. And yes, we do have stop lights, smart ass!
Maybe MNDoT will take the red arrow's down when they remove all the stop lights on the highway on ramps... HA!!!
Final Note: UPS instituted a program in 2007 where they planned all routes with no left turns. Doing this shaved 28.5 million miles off of their route lengths and saved them 3 million gallons of gas. Anybody want to turn right???
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