So one thing that has driven me batty in Minnesota, is that no bartender seems to be correctly make my favorite cocktail.
Since I was but a wee lad of 21 (yes, I was fairly behaved and didn't do much MIP'ing) I have always loved the cocktail 'Sex on the Beach'. Its so fruity and strong. Just the way I like it!
I often get asked if I like the activity too, when I order this drink. Although this is off-topic, I would have to say yes, although you have to watch out for sand in bad places and you don't want to catch crabs! lol
Moving on!
So I never had any problem getting the drink I expected anywhere until I moved to Minnesota. For some reason they LOVE to make it with Malibu and Cream. For one thing, I hate Coconut, but most importantly, the idea of Orange Juice and Cream together just does not sound appetizing!
When I request the bartender make it my way (aka the right way) I get looked at funny and it always ends up that they make fun of my weird 'Nebraska' Cocktails.
I have since taken on the experiment to order it whenever traveling and am happy to report that EVERYwhere but Minnesota and Kansas City make it the right way! ;-)
If you doubt the legitimacy of the locations I have gone to, they include:
New York City
Washington D.C.
Tampa, FL
Denver, CO
Boston, MA
and NOW
San Francisco
& Las Vegas
So I think if we go by majority rules it appears that Minnesota has the weird concoction.
HA! Its so nice being right isn't it? :-)
Okay, so I realize nobody cares but me. BUT if you would like to try a fun cocktail this is the recipe that SMART people use (aka me):
1oz Vodka
1oz Peach Schnapps
Orange Juice
Splash of Cranberry
Cherry (and Orange slice if you wish) for flare!
Bottoms up!
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